Her Yankee Doodle Daddy (The Fireworks Series ) Read online

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  She stretches out her legs, trapping my hand in the perfect spot before rolling over onto her belly, forcing me to remove it. She flashes me a sleepy smile.

  “It’s too early,” she mumbles softly.

  “I’m an early riser,” I tell her.

  She glances down at the tented sheet covering my torso and laughs. “Yes, you are.”

  “It happens when you wake up next to a beautiful woman.”

  She buries her face in the pillow and I push her slightly, so she’s forced to meet my gaze. “What did I tell you, Libby? Own that shit.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she says in a playful tone before she sits up and slides out of bed. I watch her as she walks – completely naked – into the bathroom.

  When she returns wearing her panties and tank top, I’m disappointed. “Why are you wearing clothes?”

  She smiles softly. “Some of us aren’t retired. I have to work in a few hours.”


  “And I still have a lot to unpack.”

  “Then let me help you,” I insist. I’m not ready to return back to reality.


  “Good, now come and sit on Daddy’s face so I can eat you out.”

  Her cheeks turn bright red. “Duke!” She picks up a throw pillow from the floor and lobs it in my direction.

  I roll my eyes and reluctantly say, “Fine. I’ll meet you at your place in a few minutes otherwise, I’m going to tie you up and fuck all your holes.”

  I drag myself from the bed and lunge toward her, but she darts out of my grasp with a laugh. My dick is rock hard, and I seriously consider begging her for mercy.

  With her shorts in her hand, she blows me a kiss and makes a hasty retreat from the bedroom. I take a quick, cold shower and get dressed before heading downstairs to make a cup of coffee. I need the caffeine to clear my head because all I’m thinking with is my dick.

  When I head next door, the front door is wide open. I frown because even though Milltown is relatively safe and this neighborhood is pretty quiet, anything can happen.

  Libby is in the living room, cutting open a box. She’s changed into a clean t-shirt and a pair of running shorts and when she sees me, her face lights up until she notices my frown.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Do you always leave your front door open like that?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t have a screen door and there’s a nice breeze.”

  “Libby, you need to be safe!” I cross the room and grip her arms firmly. “Promise me you’ll be more careful.”

  She nods. “Of course. I’ll call the landlord and ask about a screen door.”

  I release her and give her a hard look. “I should spank your ass for that.”

  “Punishments can wait,” she says, holding out a box cutter to me. “Start opening those up.”

  “Don’t forget about the deadbolt,” I remind her as I slice through the packing tape on a box. She hums in response, too busy to even really pay attention.

  I set the knife down and stalk my way toward the kitchen where Libby is unpacking a box of dishes.

  “Libby,” I say firmly.

  She stops and looks up at me, a knowing look in her eye. Good girl, I silently praise her. She’s getting used to my demanding tone. From the corner of my eye, I catch sight of a step ladder. “Bend over and hold onto the back of the ladder.”

  She follows me command, slowly walking across the kitchen while shooting nervous glances in my direction.

  “I’m not going to hurt you baby,” I tell her once she’s in position. “I just want to make myself clear.”

  Carefully, I peel her shorts down her thighs, leaving her panty-clad ass on full display. I bring my hand back before striking it across one cheek. She sucks in a sharp breath.

  “Are you going to make that call, baby? I just want you to be safe.”

  “Yes, I’ll call the landlord.”


  “As soon as you’re done spanking me,” she says with a hint of sass.

  I chuckle low because I’ve got other plans. “How about as soon as I’m done fucking you?”


  Under Duke’s watchful eye, I call my landlord and ask if he can come check on the deadbolt. He’s reluctant at first, insistent the lock is brand new but eventually, he agrees to check it the next day.

  “And what about the curtains,” Duke asks.

  “They’ll have to wait until payday,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

  We’re both laying on top of my bed, which is currently my mattress on the floor. Duke leans over and draws one of my nipples sharply into his mouth before letting it pop out. “Not good enough. I don’t want the whole neighborhood watching you.”

  “Sorry, but my bank account currently says curtains are not in the budget.”

  “I’ll take care of it then,” he tells me.

  I glance at my phone to check the time. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I scramble to get dressed for work, and occasionally glance back at Duke who’s watching me with a satisfied smile on his lips. Eventually, he gets up and pulls on his shorts and t-shirt.

  “See you tonight,” he says with a smacking kiss and a wink right before he leaves.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  When I arrive at Merry Potter, a paint-your-own-pottery store I manage, it’s easy to push Duke out of my mind because the store is packed with tourists and locals all eager to create the perfect masterpiece. I’m so busy setting up palettes of paint and cleaning tables that when it’s time to close, I’m exhausted and ready to fall into bed. Alone.

  Duke doesn’t even cross my mind until I pull into the driveway of my new home and realize the front door is wide open. This was supposed to be a safe neighborhood! There’s a light on inside but I’m not setting one foot inside by myself. I scramble from my car and hurry next door, racing up the front porch and banging on the door until the light above my head flickers on and the door opens.

  “Oh my god,” I breathe out. “I think someone broke into my house!”

  Duke’s brow wrinkles as he steps out onto the porch and looks across to my house. “Are you sure? Did you go inside and look?”

  “NO! You told me to be safe! Why would I go inside my house if it’s been robbed?”

  There’s a slight smile on his lips. “Good girl. Stay here, I’ll go and check it out.”

  He walks across the yard over to my house. He pauses right outside the front door, poking his head inside before he takes a step. He disappears for a few tense moments before he reappears with his phone pressed to his ear and walks slowly back toward his house. His call ends just as he reaches the front porch.

  “I called the police. They’ll be here soon.” He stretches an arm out toward me and I rush into his embrace. “Everything is going to be okay,” he says as he kisses the top of my head.

  I peek up at him. “Did it look like they took anything?”

  His mouth forms a tight line. “Hard to tell. A lot of your stuff is still in boxes. You’ll have to determine that.”

  My eyes flick toward my house and an uneasy feeling settles in my stomach. This is supposed to be a fresh start and all it feels like is a mistake.

  “Have a seat,” Duke says softly. “I’ll get you a drink.”

  I shuffle over to one of the chairs, sit down, and stare blankly across the yard. A few moments later, I feel a nudge and there’s a glass with ice and amber liquid in front of my face. I accept it but don’t take a sip.

  When the unmistakable red and blue lights appear on the street, I push to my feet and finally take a drink from the glass I’ve been holding. The alcohol makes me cough and it burns my throat, but the uneasy feeling is temporarily gone.

  Duke’s hand slips into mine. “I’m right here, baby. Every step of the way.”

  I nod my head and we walk to my house just as two officers exit the police cruiser. Duke obviously knows them because they seem friendly and easy around each other.
br />   “Thanks for coming Mitch,” Duke says to the older officer. “Really appreciate it.”

  “No problem, Duke. Sorry this happened,” Mitch responds before he looks at me. “Why don’t you tell us what happened.”

  I go over the events of the day but leave out the part about spending the night with Duke.

  “And you haven’t been inside?” Mitch jots some notes down and looks up at me for confirmation.

  “No, I was too scared someone might still be in there.”

  “Okay, well, let’s go inside and have a look. Then you can figure out if there is anything missing.”

  Cautiously, I glance at Duke who gives me a reassuring nod. He places his hand on the small of my back as we walk forward.

  At first glance, nothing seems out of place. Since I just moved in, my house is in total disarray. I tell Mitch and the other officer I’d have to spend some time searching through the open boxes to determine if anything was taken from them since it seems like the unopened boxes were left untouched.

  “Crime scene investigation will be here shortly to dust for fingerprints so take your time,” Mitch says with a soft smile.

  I start walking through the house, carefully retracing my steps from earlier in the day. I end up in my bedroom and my eyes scan the room carefully. Something is off but I can’t quite tell.

  “What’s wrong?” Duke’s voice distracts me momentarily.

  “I think something is missing. Not sure what though.”

  He spins in a slow circle, his eyes hitting every corner of the room until he stops and walks toward my dresser. I follow him and that’s when I notice the top drawer is slightly ajar. He places a finger under the drawer and pulls it out.

  A laugh escapes my lips. “My underwear? They stole my underwear?” Laughter keeps bubbling up; I can’t help it. Of all the things a person could steal, why my underwear?

  Duke frowns and growls before he slams the drawer shut.

  “What’s got your panties in a twist?” He looks up at me and scowls while I giggle like a child.

  “This isn’t funny,” he says through clenched teeth. “Some pervert broke into your house and stole your underwear!”

  Mitch pops his head into the room. “Got something for me?”

  We both turn to face him and I’m sure we look like quite the pair; Duke with his scowl and me with my giggles.

  “All of my underwear is gone,” I say as straight-faced as I can.

  Mitch looks confused. “Really?”

  Duke growls and then storms out of my bedroom, which also seems to add to Mitch’s confusion.

  “As ridiculous as it seems, that’s the only thing missing.” Thank god for small miracles. When I think about what else could have been taken…

  “Wait.” I hurry to the side of my bed and frantically search for the small wooden box I unpacked this morning. “My jewelry box is gone!”

  My good humor disappears because one tiny little box contained a wealth of priceless treasures. Tears begin to slip down my cheeks as I realize what’s been taken from me. Pieces of jewelry that once belonged to my mother, passed down through generations of women in my family.

  “I’m going to need you to make a list of everything in that box,” Mitch informs me as he places a light, comforting hand on my shoulder before leaving the room.

  Make a list? How could I possibly make a list of everything in that box?

  “Hey,” Duke’s voice is soft. “Mitch said something else was stolen?”

  When I look up at him, my vision is blurry because I’m crying so hard. I can barely speak. Duke wraps a large arm around my shoulder, and I lean on him.

  “It’s okay,” he says softly. “Let me take care of everything.”


  Libby is shell-shocked as we walk back to my house. I’m furious someone broke into her home and stole something so intimate like underwear but devastated something precious to her is also gone. We walk through the house to the bedroom.

  She’s completely numb as I undress her and then lead her into the bathroom for a hot shower. This is my job; protect her, provide for her, comfort her and when the time is right, pleasure her beyond belief. I slip into the shower behind her and guide her under the spray, running my hands through her hair until it’s wet enough before I reach for the shampoo.

  Her eyes are red as she continues crying.

  “Tell me, baby,” I murmur. “Talk to me.”

  She swipes a hand under her cheeks and looks at me with the saddest blue eyes. I slide my hand up her neck and cup her cheek before I lean down and kiss her.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” I say with a slight smile which she returns.

  “Thank you.” She sucks in a sharp breath and then blows it out. “My mom died last year. Everything in that box belonged to her; it’s all I have left of her. Every piece of jewelry taken from me has been in my family forever. They’re probably not worth very much but to me, they’re priceless.”

  “Mitch will get them back, I promise.”

  Milltown is a small town, and everyone knows everyone. Thieves never hide for long because they’re always ratted out by someone eager to save their own ass. So when I promise Libby her mother’s jewelry will be found, it’s not an empty promise.

  “Not sure about your underwear though,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  She covers her face. “Oh my god! I can’t believe all of my underwear was stolen! Who does that?”

  “Some asshole pervert who wants to lose a few teeth,” I growl.

  Libby laughs and even though I’m pissed about the underwear, I feel relieved. “Simmer down, caveman,” she says, patting my chest. “It’s just underwear. And not even very fancy or expensive underwear.”

  My hands squeeze her waist tight. “It’s not just underwear, baby. You’re mine now.”

  She steps back a bit. “We need to talk about the ‘daddy’ thing, Duke.”

  I reach out, my arm brushing against her bare breast, and turn off the water. “Okay, let’s talk,” I say as I step out of the shower and reach for a towel. When Libby gets out, I wrap her up in it before grabbing another towel from the rack and wrapping it around my waist.

  “I’m a little overwhelmed,” she admits. “I just got out of a relationship and tumbling right into Daddy-town with you is scary.”

  I frown. I should have expected that reaction but my lust for her totally clouded my judgement. “That’s completely understandable. I told you I won’t push you into something you’re uncomfortable doing.”

  “That’s just it! I’m not uncomfortable. I’m actually very comfortable which is why I’m scared. Shouldn’t there be like some kind of grace period after a break up?”

  “Love doesn’t have rules, baby. You do what feels right and fuck anyone else who says it’s wrong.”

  She opens her mouth but closes it instantly.

  “What do you want, Libby?” I take a hesitant step toward her and flick the knotted towel above her breasts open. It falls to the floor and Libby stands before me, completely bare.

  “I want you to be my daddy tonight, Duke. Please.”

  My nostrils flare and a groan builds in my throat. “Go lay on the bed, on your belly,” I tell her softly but firmly.

  She starts to walk past me, but I reach out and grab her arm, spinning her back to face me. Her blue eyes are large as she looks up at me, waiting, wanting. My mouth crushes hers, scorching her lips with a fiery intensity. When we break apart, I growl and then turn her back to the bedroom. She walks in a daze to the bed and follows my directions.

  I give myself a moment to regain my composure before I stalk into the bedroom. When I reach the bed, I run a hand appreciatively down her bare back and let my fingers trail over the curve of her ass before I pull back my hand and land a firm smack across her ass.

  She yelps in surprise. “Duke!” Her eyes start to water and I wonder if she’ll cry but something in her expression changes. She softens a bit, like she enjoyed
it which is all the encouragement I need.

  I gently massage the red mark, letting my fingers dip between her round cheeks. My thumb grazes her puckered hole as my fingers slide between her folds and brush her clit. She moans into the pillow and squirms slightly.

  I lean over her body and trail light kisses down her spine before grabbing her hips and pulling her ass up.

  “Spread your legs for daddy baby,” I command. “Let me see your pretty pussy.”

  All day long, I’ve fantasized about Libby and all the ways I planned to fuck her. I bury my face in her core, inhaling the sweet, feminine musky smell of her before my tongue darts out for a taste. So sweet. I devour every ounce of her juices as they drip down her pussy and onto my chin. Until she’s squirming and trembling and screaming out my name. Correction: until she’s screaming out, “Daddy.”


  Despite Duke’s insistence I stay home with him, I head into the Merry Potter for my shift. As much as I want to take the day off to deal with the aftermath of my home being robbed, I can’t. The Fourth of July is right around the corner and there are so many tourists around, filling the shop.

  When my shift ends, I return to Duke’s because being in my own home doesn’t feel right. Despite the late hour, he’s sitting on his front porch, sipping a glass of whiskey.

  “Hey,” I say, sitting down in the chair beside him. “How was your day?”

  “Libby,” he says, patting his thigh and I get the hint. When I settle myself in his lap, he sighs contentedly. “That’s better, baby.”

  I snake an arm around his neck and lean against him. He smells fresh and clean but there’s a hint of spice. I inhale deeply because the scent is comforting and calming.

  “Did the landlord come by?” I ask.

  “Yeah. He installed a new deadbolt and the screen door I bought this morning.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  Duke sets his glass on the table between the two chairs and then shifts me until I’m straddling his lap. His hand tangles in my hair as he holds my head firmly so that our eyes on locked on each other. “Yes, I did.”